Song Of Siang

By |2018-06-20T05:11:34+05:30June 20th, 2018|travel|

It is supposed to rain, but I crawl out of my tent under a bright sky. It has been bright since 4.30 am, daybreak in Arunachal Pradesh—for the love of god, somebody give the Northeast a time zone of its own. I brush my teeth in an endlessly flowing tap near the [...]

Siang Rush 2018

By |2018-04-17T06:54:50+05:30April 16th, 2018|travel|

DOWNLOAD SIANG RUSH 2018 BROCHURE The Siang is truly transnational, flowing almost 4,000 kilometres across countries, peoples, cultures and through varied topography and terrain. It is majestic and elegant, especially in the almost three hundred kilometres of its journey through Arunachal Pradesh. A tributary of the Yangtze; Brahmaputra river, locally known as Siang [...]

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